We can't wait to see you at the 11th Annual NC BikeWalk Transportation Summit!
October 27-29, 2022
We're in Greenville, NC at the East Carolina Heart Institute!
Remote, online viewing options will be available for most sessions.
Summit will also include active and off-site sessions.
Techie note: If you have any difficulty registering, please try another browser or email programs@bikewalknc.org.
2022 Summit Program Content
The 2022 NC BikeWalk Transportation Summit will bring together hundreds of stakeholders interested in advancing safe roads and healthier, more equitable communities for all road users in North Carolina.
Sessions are designed to provide information and foster collaboration. Summit participants will hear from national, statewide, and local leaders on how to make transportation safer and more equitable for all users, especially pedestrians and people who use bikes.
The theme of this year’s Summit is “Safety: The Heart of Active Mobility" and our emerging program reflects the spirit of this theme.
Our 2022 Summit's webpage will be continuously updated!
Program content is still in development but includes:
- In-person presentations by David Zipper, Joel Feldman, Melody Warnick, and GirlTrek Community Leader, Faye Paige Edwards!
- Virtual presentations from the national leadership of League American Bicyclists, America Walks, National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) and AARP's Livable Communities.
- Reflections and opportunities to network with local and state transportation, health and safety leaders such as NC DOT Deputy Secretary Julie White and Pitt County Sheriff Paula S. Dance.
- Presentation content is still being finalized but includes Anatomy of a Crash, an interdisciplinary examination of the human, health care, law enforcement dimensions and consequences of crashes between motorists and vulnerable road users; Accessible Mobility: The Intersection between Disability Rights and Active Mobility.
- Active sessions will continue to be scheduled but include: Walk with a Doc, led by Dr. Aundrea Oliver and a walking tour of safety installations with Greenville's nationally recognized Traffic Safety Task Force!
- In partnership with AARP and the Town of Winterville, a dedication of the Greenville region's first permanent traffic garden!
- An opportunity for interested individuals to secure League Cycling Instructor certification will also be available the week of the Summit. Separate registration will be available through the League of American Bicyclists' LCI training registration page.
- Traffic Bicycling for Transportation Professionals, Law Enforcement and Others (a daylong specialized traffic bicycling workshop on Thursday, 10/27/2022 ) for those who are interested. Additional registration fee applies.
- Social sessions that facilitate networking and celebrate active mobility.
We will offer AICP credits.
This 2022 Program will continue to grow. Please check in with our Summit's webpage for updates!
In-Person Format with Remote Viewing Options Available
While we will monitor current COVID trends, we anticipate and are planning for a vibrant in-person event with remote attendance options for many of the sessions, for those who prefer to attend remotely. Costs for this additional streaming feature are underwritten by our sponsors, including the NC Governor's Highway Safety Program.
Choose Your Price Registration Continues and Membership for All
To keep the Summit as equitable and inclusive as possible, BikeWalk NC will maintain the popular Choose Your Price Summit fee structure.
Summit registration includes a 1 year membership to BikeWalk NC (a $30 value), and supports the work of BikeWalk NC to improve road safety for all users.