9th Annual NC BikeWalk Summit: November 5–6, 2020
Location: ONLINE.
The 2020 NC BikeWalk Summit promises to be packed full of information useful to bicycle advocates, transportation planners, business owners, elected officials, tactical urbanists, public health practitioners, and livability and sustainability professionals.
We had hoped to have our summit in Durham, NC this year, but the pandemic necessitates us moving it online. That said, we have a great program lined up and are very excited to be able to bring this program to you and others through modern technology.
Experts from across the state and country will be sharing their knowledge and experience.
This year's focus will be on inclusive transportation and how transportation decisions affect those who cannot or do not want to be car dependent. How can we make travel safe and inclusive of everyone? How can we best promote infrastructure and transportation that equally serves the economically disadvantaged, those with physical disabilities, the elderly, the infirm, those who live outside the urban core? Also, given the extraordinary changes in roadway usage that we have witnessed during the spring of 2020, how should we revise how we look at transportation?
There will be live presentations as well as pre-recorded ones. All of the presentations will remain available to registrants at the end of the Summit.
Summit registration includes a 1 year membership to BikeWalk NC (a $30 value).